środa, 11 grudnia 2013


W Seattle, tradycyjnie już podczas Monday Night RAW, rozdano po raz dwunasty nagrody Slammy, podsumowujące 2013 rok w WWE. W kategorii "Superstar of the Year" zwyciężył Daniel Bryan. Za najlepszą walkę roku wybrano starcie John Cena vs. The Rock II podczas Wrestlemanii XXIX.

www.youtube.com / Daniel Bryan - Superstar of the Year (2013)

Oto jak w tym roku przedstawia się pełna lista nominowanych i triumfatorów:

  1. "What a Maneuver" of the Year: Roman Reigns' Spear, Daniel Bryan's Running Knee Strike,
    AJ Lee's Black Widow, Antonio Cesaro's Cesaro Swing;
  2. Faction of the Year: The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns), The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan), The Real Americans (Jack Swagger, Antonio Cesaro and Zeb Colter), 3MB (Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre);
  3. "You Still Got It" Best Superstar return of the Year: Goldust, Rob Van Dam, Nikki and Brie Bella, Bruno Sammartino, Chris Jericho;
  4. Couple of the Year: Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, Fandango and Summer Rae, Tyson Kidd and Natalya, John Cena and Nikki Bella, Naomi and Jimmy Uso;
  5. Tag Team of the Year: Cody Rhodes and Goldust, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, The Prime Time Players, The Usos, The Real Americans;
  6. Feat of Strength of the Year: Mark Henry pulls two trucks with his bare hands, Antonio Cesaro swings The Great Khali, Ryback Shell Shocks Mark Henry, The Shield triple powerbombs Big Show;
  7. "Say What" Quote of the Year: "One stipulation: I'm in my boys' corner and I'll be your huckleberry all night long." - Dusty Rhodes, "Paul, say somethin' stupid" - Brock Lesnar, "Rise above THIS" - Damien Sandow, "The "Paulcano" eruption" - Paul Heyman;
  8. Best Dance Moves of the Year: The Funkadactyls (Naomi and Cameron), Fandango, R-Truth, Summer Rae, The Great Khali, Miz-co Inferno;
  9. Favorite Web Show of the Year: The JBL and Cole Show, WWE Inbox, 30-Second Fury, WWE Top 10;
  10. Best Crowd of the Year: Raw after WrestleMania (East Rutherford, New Jersey), WWE Payback (Chicago, Illinois), SummerSlam (Los Angeles, California), Raw in England (London, England on April 22);
  11. Catchphrase of the Year: "YES! YES! YES!" - Daniel Bryan; "That's What I Do" - Mark Henry, "FAAAAAHHNNNN...DAAAAHHHHNNN...GO" - Fandango, "Follow the Buzzards" - Bray Wyatt, "We the People" - The Real Americans, "Believe in The Shield" - The Shield;
  12. Trending Now Hashtag of the Year: The Shield's #BelieveInTheShield, The Authority's #BestForBusiness, The Wyatt Family's #FollowTheBuzzards, The Real Americans' #WeThePeople; 
  13. This is Awesome! Moment of the Year: Big Show knocks out Triple H on Raw, Dolph Ziggler cashes in Money in the Bank on Alberto Del Rio and captures the World Heavyweight Championship on Raw, Kofi Kingston saves himself from elimination by using JBL's chair at Royal Rumble, Daniel Bryan win his second WWE Championship from Randy Orton at Night of Champions;
  14. Breakout Star of the Year: The Shield, The Wyatt Family, Big E Langston, Fandango (with Summer Rae);
  15. Beard of the Year: Daniel Bryan, Damien Sandow, The Wyatt Family, Zeb Colter;
  16. LOL! Moment of the Year: The Rock Concert at the 20th Anniversary of Raw (January 14), Vickie Guerrero is fired as Raw GM (July 8), Titus O'Neil throws up on JBL, Michael Cole, and Zeb Colter on SmackDown (November 29), The Great Khali and Jinder Mahal try to charm Santino's cobra on SmackDown (September 27);
  17. Double-Cross of the Year: Shawn Michaels turns on Daniel Bryan and costs him the WWE Championship at Hell in a Cell, Triple H turns on Daniel Bryan and costs him the WWE Championship at SummerSlam, Mark Henry turns on John Cena during Henry's "retirement", Paul Heyman turns on CM Punk and costs him the WWE Championship Money in the Bank ladder match at Money in the Bank; 
  18. Diva of the Year: The Bella Twins, AJ Lee, The Funkadactyls, Natalya, Kaitlyn, Eva Marie;
  19. Superstar of the Year: Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Randy Orton, CM Punk, Big Show, Brock Lesnar;
  20. Fan Participation of the Year: Yes! Yes! Yes!, Fandango-ing, Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks!, What’s up!;
  21. Insult of the Year: Stephanie McMahon insults Big Show, AJ Lee goes off on the "Total Divas", Paul Heyman's insults toward CM Punk, Zeb Colter's insults;
  22. Extreme Moment of the Year: CM Punk exacts vengeance on Paul Heyman at Hell in a Cell, The Shield triple powerbombs The Undertaker on SmackDown (April 26), Ryback spears John Cena through the LED Light Board at Extreme Rules, The Wyatt Family crushes Kane at SummerSlam;
  23. Match of the Year: John Cena vs. The Rock for the WWE Championship - WrestleMania 29, Undertaker vs. CM Punk - WrestleMania 29, Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs. The Shield - WWE Battleground, Steel cage match: Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar - Extreme Rules;

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